Cockroaches are no doubt one of the most annoying pests to ever exist.
They crawl everywhere and die only after you have tried a hundred things.

Now that wouldn’t have been that big a problem if they didn’t reproduce at the rate they actually do.
For example, a single German cockroach can infest your house with dozens of eggs within days, which can lead to the birth of thousands of baby roaches in a single year.
Sounds scary I know!
That’s why today, we will answer some of the most common questions usually asked about cockroaches and their eggs.
So keep reading!
Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?
Like most insects, cockroaches are oviparous organisms.
It means that they lay eggs instead of giving birth to babies.
Roaches can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
Thanks to a process called parthenogenesis, female roaches do not need a male partner to be able to lay eggs.
Where Do Roaches Lay Eggs?
American or German, both types of roaches prefer a warm and humid environment to live in.
They lay their eggs too in areas with plenty of warmth and moisture only.
The most common places where roaches lay eggs are kitchens, bathrooms, sinks, cracks, plumbing, etc.
How Many Eggs Do Cockroaches Lay at One Time?
Cockroaches do not lay eggs in a single form. Instead, they produce a capsule called an ootheca that contains multiple eggs.
An ootheca can usually contain up to a total of 50 eggs. It means that a cockroach can produce up to 50 eggs one time.
What Do Cockroach Eggs Look Like?
Cockroach eggs are contained inside of an ootheca.
The ootheca is about a quarter-inch long capsule.
It is usually white initially and can turn into a light or dark brown color over time.
How Many Roaches Hatch From One Egg?
Only one baby cockroach can hatch from one cockroach egg.
Roaches lay multiple eggs at one time, but each egg has only one embryonic cell and therefore can only give birth to one baby roach.
The number of roaches that hatch from an ootheca can never be greater than the number of eggs in it.
How Long Does it Take for Cockroach Eggs to Hatch?
The incubation period of cockroach eggs varies according to different species.
In the case of German cockroaches, the eggs take around four weeks before hatching.
American cockroach eggs take a longer time to hatch than German; the incubation period for an American cockroach is about eight weeks.
How to Get Rid of Cockroach Eggs
When it comes to handling roach eggs, you can either prevent them from existing in the first place or remove them once you find it.
Here are some of the best methods of prevention and elimination of cockroach eggs.
Clean Up Regularly
Keeping your household clean is important not for just aesthetic purposes.
Cockroaches get attracted to filth and cleanliness repels them.

The more you keep your house clean, the lesser are the chances of cockroaches entering it and breeding.
Regular Check-ups
It’s important to keep checking areas that are most likely to get infested by cockroach eggs.
It includes areas that are usually warm, humid, and well-hidden like the back of the refrigerator, furniture, etc.
Fixing Leaks and Cracks
Roaches can find their way inside of our houses through even tiniest of the spaces.
Cracks in walls & floor and leaking plumbing are easy for roaches to infiltrate and lay their eggs in. Fixing these can reduce the chances of a roach egg infestation.
Vacuum Them Out
Using a vacuum cleaner is perhaps the easiest way of getting cockroach eggs out.
You can bring out the maximum of the eggs at one time with a vacuum cleaner.

Mini vacuums can be used for sweeping through narrower areas.
Once brought out, there are various ways of getting rid of the eggs.
The eggs can either be thrown away or destroyed, they can also be burned or squashed to get rid of them permanently.
Cockroach foggers or poisons can also be used to eliminate them, however, pest control is the best option when it comes to dealing with roaches and their eggs.
Exterminate Cockroach Eggs with Pest Control
The presence of cockroach eggs in your home is a sure sign of a growing roach infestation.
While there are various methods which can be adopted to deal with this problem, it is always recommended to hire a licensed exterminator who could handle the infestation more efficiently and permanently.
To help you with this, we have curated a personalized Pest Control form that will give you free quotes from multiple exterminators so that you can hire a professional who is worth your money, time, and effort.
And don’t worry, all the information that you mention here is 100% safe! Also, by filling the form, at least you’ll know how much you will have to pay if you take the help of your local exterminators.
Final Words
In essence, roach eggs and babies pose just as much a threat as the adult ones.
That’s because the presence of these eggs in your house is a sign of infestation, and if ignored, it could lead to hundreds of roaches within a few weeks.
Therefore, it’s important to safeguard your house against roaches and get rid of them immediately in case they happen to make their way inside.
I hope this article gives you a clearer idea about what roach eggs look like and how you can deal with them effectively.
So next time, you happen to see anything similar in your home, take prompt actions and eliminate them before they wreak havoc and get out of control.