Does Catnip Repel or Kill Roaches? | Catnip for Roaches

We all know that roaches are disgusting little pests that infest our homes and spreads all kinds of diseases and allergies.

If the infestations are not treated, these roaches can multiply at an alarming rate.

Therefore, it is essential to detect and eliminate roaches soon as possible.

Now, there are plenty of ways to expel roaches from your house.

One of the most simple and readily available options is using catnip for roach control.

In case you are wondering how catnip can drive away these bugs, keep reading because you will find everything you need to know about using catnip to repel roaches below.

Does Catnip Repel Roaches

In simple words- Yes! Catnip is an excellent natural roach repellent.

It belongs to the mint family and contains the chemical nepetalactone, which is a substance that roaches are very sensitive to.

Therefore, using catnip is an excellent way to keep roaches away.

Does Catnip Kill Roaches

catnip for cockroach control,

No, catnip can only repel roaches, but it won’t kill them.

The chemical nepetalactone in catnip confuses their nerves causing them to lose their sense of direction.

This is why roaches steer clear to catnips and are repelled wherever it is placed.

catnip for roaches

How to Make Catnip Roach Repellent?

Catnip is a plant that makes feline creatures go funny.

The best way to use this catnip plant against roaches is by making a tea out of it and then using it as a spray.

The best part is, you only need catnip leaves and some water to make this tea.

Below are DIY instructions on making a catnip tea to repel roaches at home.

catnip cockroach repellent
  • Boil some water in a container
  • Put catnip tea leaves in the boiling water.
  • Make sure that the catnip stays inside the boiling water for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Once done, stop the heating and allow the water to cool down.
  • Pour the solution into the spray bottle and use it as intended.

In any case, remember that this spray won’t kill roaches and will only drive them away.

Therefore, using catnip is best recommended only after making some serious effort to exterminate the roach infestation at your house.

This way, you can make sure that the roach infestation never returns to your place.

catnip roach repellent

How to Use Catnip to Repel Roaches

Catnip and roaches are like the two opposite ends of a magnet.

However, if not appropriately used, catnip can be utterly useless in driving away roaches.

Given below are two main ways in which you can use catnip to get rid of roaches.

Placing Catnip Leaves Strategically

Catnip leaves, even in their naturally occurring form, are excellent roach repellents.

If you want to drive away roaches that are infesting your home with catnip leaves, then follow the instructions below:

  • The first step is to locate and identify the active areas where you often find roaches.
  • Once you have identified and marked the locations, put catnip leaves in an open container and strategically place the container in areas where you frequently find roaches.
  • You can also randomly spread catnip leaves around the active regions.
  • Ensure that children and pets are away from the placement as it can cause stomach pain, irritation, and other problems when ingested.
  • Replace the leaves every day till you see no more roaches

Using Catnip Spray Roach Repellent

Now that you know how to make a catnip spray to repel roaches, you should also know how to use it effectively.

In any case, the best way to drive away roaches is by using the spray directly on roaches.

Follow the steps given below to make the best use of catnip spray in repelling roaches.

  • Identify the locations in your home where roaches frequently appear
  • Spray the catnip tea in and around the active areas
  • If you see a roach crawling, spray it directly on the roach
  • If you see an infestation growing, then locate the roach eggs and spray the catnip tea on them as well
  • Use regularly to get rid of roaches completely

Exterminate Roaches with Pest Control

Although catnip is a fantastic alternative to repel roaches and keep them away from your home, they may not necessarily work in the case of a heavy cockroach infestation.

At such times, it is better to hire a licensed exterminator who could deal with this problem more efficiently and permanently, making your house 100% roach-free.

To know more about the trained exterminators in your area, fill the below-mentioned form to get free multiple quotes from the professional Pest Control Companies in your vicinity so that you can decide which one to hire for your infestation problem.

Final Words

Even in the year 2021, roaches are a common problem.

They infest the areas where food is easily available and become the source of many serious diseases.

One of the best ways to prevent roaches from creating a nuisance is using a DIY remedy to keep them at bay like the one mentioned above.

However, in case of a heavy infestation, look out for dark, damp places where roaches usually live and have babies; it’s important to get rid of those in order to control the problem.

You can also hire an exterminator to professionally and permanently get rid of them.

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