Mothballs for Roaches | Can Mothballs Eliminate Roaches?

Have you ever had a cockroach infestation in your house? If yes, then you know how fast they grow and how disgusting they could be.

You would also know that it is almost impossible to get rid of roaches. 

Cockroaches are resilient creatures and carriers of many diseases; therefore, it is extremely important to exterminate these buggers if you have them in your home.

And that is what we are here to help you with!

Everyone knows mothballs are an easy solution for moths, termites, and other tiny pests. But can they help with cockroaches? 

Well, let’s find out

Do Mothball Kill Cockroaches?

Mothballs are small balls or palettes usually made of the chemical substance Naphthalene, sometimes Camphor.

Extremely effective in repelling moths and other small pests, mothballs also work on roaches. 

These balls release a pungent-smelling gas that repels pests and cockroaches alike.

But mothballs are good for only repelling cockroaches; it won’t kill them.

That means mothballs are only a temporary solution to cockroach infestation. 

Do Mothballs Keep Roaches Away?

The smell of the naphthalene effects cockroaches the same as it does to moths.

So, yes, you can eliminate cockroaches by mothballs.

But you need to keep one thing in mind, cockroaches adapt easily to a new environment, making them immune to mothballs after a year or two.

So, keep changing your method of repelling roaches.

How to Use Mothballs to Repel Cockroaches

You have to be very careful how and where you use mothballs, as they are highly poisonous.

Using mothballs is very easy; just scatter some wherever you have an infestation.

With time the balls convert to gas, releasing the toxic smell, and get smaller in size.

In a few months, they will disappear, and you can place new ones.

These are some of the steps you can take and places you can put mothballs to eliminate roaches:

  • Placing a few balls in an airtight space where their fumes are contained does the job.
  • You can scatter some in your wardrobe with your clothes. 
  • Place some in the cabinet under the sink or refrigerator where you have an infestation. 
mothball for roaches in kitchen
  • To place it in the kitchen, make sure you keep it away from food. Put some under the stove.
  • Stored and empty luggage bags sometimes are a place for cockroaches. Putting a few mothballs is a good idea.
  • Mothballs are a must for any storage space which are not very accessible. 

Precautions To Take While Using Mothballs for Roaches.

Mothballs are poisonous for not only pests but humans too; the chemicals in the balls are not fit for any living beings.

Naphthalene balls are twice more harmful than para-dichlorobenzene balls.

The fumes are bad for health, and if the pellets are swallowed, they can prove to be fatal.

It is, hence, of the utmost importance to keep mothballs away from children and pets.

Some precautions you must take while using mothballs:

  • Use camphor or para-dichlorobenzene balls instead of naphthalene as they are less harmful.
  • Don’t use it in open spaces; limit its use to air-tight areas.
  • Inhaling the fumes could result in headaches, nausea, stress, and breathing difficulty so, make sure you adhere to this rule at all costs.
  • The chemical used in mothballs is flammable, so make sure to keep it away from combustible places.
  • Keep it away from food and other eatables, even if they are packaged.
  • If possible, handle the balls wearing one-time use gloves.
  • Also, use masks while placing them, so you don’t inhale the fumes.
  • Keep it away from the reach of children and pets.
  • Store mothballs only in non-reactive plastics like polyethylene or polypropylene
  • Use the mothballs only for the purposes specified on the packaging.
  • Make sure to adhere to all of these precautions; unsafe use of mothballs could lead to severe repercussions.

Exterminate Roaches with Professional Pest Control

Althoughmoth balls are an incredible alternative to repel roaches and keep them away from your home, they may not necessarily work in the case of a heavy cockroach infestation.

At such times, it’s better to hire a licensed exterminator who could deal with this problem more efficiently and permanently, making your house 100% roach-free.

To know more about this, fill the below-mentioned form to get free multiple quotes from the professional Pest Control Companies in your vicinity so that you can decide which one to hire for your infestation problem.

And don’t worry, all the information that you mention here is 100% safe! Also, by filling the form, at least you’ll know how much you will have to pay if you take the help of your local exterminators.

Final Words

Roach infestation is a problem faced by many, and it is important to treat it as soon as you can. 

Mothballs are a temporary but efficient solution to the problem. 

While there is no doubt that roaches hate mothballs, using them is a tricky business.

Mothballs might be good for your roach problem, but they could prove to be fatal for you and your loved one’s health. 

Therefore, it’s very necessary to take some precautionary steps while using them.

We hope this article helped relieve some of your worries about cockroach infestation while also showing you how to use mothballs safely. 

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