Everything about Cockroach Antennas

We all spotted those perky little antennas coming from a mile away and ran off screaming: COCKROACH!!

Don’t they look like aliens with those vast antennas on their heads?

But have you ever wondered why a cockroach even has an antenna? If yes, then today is your lucky day because we know the answer!

Yes, antennas (also known as antennae by their scientific name) are integral to a cockroach’s anatomy.

This part of their body has different functions, and in this article, we want to let you know what those functions are.

But first, let’s talk about the parts of an antenna.

Antennas of Roaches

Everything about Cockroach Antennas

The antennas of a cockroach are divided into three specific parts: the first attaches the antenna to the head and allows it to move- scape and pedicel, and the third is the flagellum.

The flagellum is that long slimy part of the cockroach we see coming from a mile away.

Why are they so long? Because these parts have 150 segments that, together, form the flagellum; this part of the antenna is covered in many tiny hairs that scientists know as the sensillae.

As the name implies, these tiny hairs are responsible for letting the cockroach know what’s around them.

These insects smell, feel the humidity, pressure, and temperature through their antennas, and how can the sensillae do this? These small pieces of hair are connected to specific parts of the cockroach’s nervous system.

cockroaches have antennas

The flagellum is not the only part of the cockroach antenna responsible for sensing the world; the scape and pedicel also have similar functions.

The scape and pedicel also have small hair called sensillae that help the cockroach sense their position and the movement they’re about to make next.

Furthermore, the scape and pedicel are responsible for informing the cockroach about the state of its flagellum.

The antennas are located on the head of the cockroach.

This body part also holds essential organs such as the eyes and the insect’s mouthparts.

On the back of their bodies, cockroaches have sensory organs too, and we are adding this information because you might have asked yourself at some point: why are cockroaches so difficult to get rid of?

The answer is simple- they can sense almost every movement that’s going on behind them and, thanks to their antennas, they can decide where to go next, but they’re not indestructible!

There’s always a plausible solution for preventing an invasion or getting rid of this pest, such as: get an exterminator, clean your house every day, and try to fix holes and cracks your house might have, set up roach traps in various places all over your house, etc.

Exterminate Roaches with Pest Control

Spotting one or two roaches roaming in your house is probably not a sign of danger; however, the same can’t be said in the case of a heavy roach infestation.

This is where a licensed exterminator comes into the picture! They can not only take care of the infestation for you but ensure that these buggers don’t return to your home.

To learn more about the equipped pest control services in your area, fill out the below-mentioned form to get free multiple quotes from the professional Pest Control Companies in your vicinity so that you can decide which one to hire for your infestation problem.

Don’t worry; all your details are entirely safe here! And by filling out the form, at least you’ll know how much you will have to pay if you take the help of your local exterminators.

Final Words

To conclude, every cockroach has two antennas divided into three specific parts: scape, pedicel, and flagellum.

The scape and pedicel keep the antennas attached to the cockroach’s head, but they also help the cockroach know its position and the next move they make.

The flagellum has 150 segments, and it’s covered with sensillae, which helps the cockroach smell and feel its surroundings.

Is there any more information you would like to know about cockroaches? Comment below and let us know! We remain attentive to your inquiries.

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